Cloud Development Environment
Something I have been toying with lately is spinning up my development environment as needed in the cloud. For this I have been using AWS.
Why am I doing this?
I would really like to use Linux as my home computing environment, but it just doesn’t cut it. Fortunatley SSHing into a Linux box is basically the same as a local terminal.
I don’t have to worry about messing up the environment. Since I know that I will destroy the environment when I’m done for the day, I take extra care to script everything to make sure it is repeatable. No problem if I make a mistake, I can always rebuild it at any time.
Low cost. I used to have a permanent environment running all of the time with private hosting. It turns out I didn’t use it that much and I don’t need it to be available all of the time, because I only use it for development.
The process isn’t perfect yet. For example, here is how I setup Jekyll when I want to update this blog.
Sign in to AWS EC2 and setup a t2.nano instance. (I wish I knew how to script this into a push button step)
SSH in and run my setup script
Move the published files to the publish branch.
Push to GitHub Pages to publish.
What I don’t like about the setup… It takes a while to spin it up.
What I do like… while I wait I can blog (like write this post).